[真誠推薦] 德魯克管理學院 與 明德學院 呈獻 《管理跨時代》
Left: 袁文俊 博士 Mr. Royce Yuen
Centre: (嘉賓 Guest ) 洪小蓮 女士 Ms. Katherine Hung
Right: 王月歡 女士 Ms. Ruthia Wong
我們十分榮幸邀請到管理達人袁文俊博士Dr. Royce Yuen 及王月歡女士Ms. Ruthia Wong
今集我們邀請到 長江實業地產有限公司獨立非執行董事 洪小蓮女士 擔任嘉賓,
新城財經台網上直播網址: http://www.metroradio.com.hk/Live/LivePlayer/MF.html
Peter F. Drucker Academy & Centennial College present
“Management as a Liberal Art ”
It is on air from 9pm-10pm every Sunday night.
We are honored to have Dr. Royce Yuen and Ms. Ruthia Wong as our guest hosts for the program.
Each episode we would invite an outstanding senior executive from different fields in Hong Kong to be our guest speaker, who will share with us on their ups-and-downs in their remarkable careers, and how they deal with the ever-changing market environment.
This week we have invited Ms. Katherine Hung, Independent Non-Executive Director, Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd as our guest, and she will share with us on her management insight of “Leadership".
The interview will be divided into 2 parts, and broadcast at 9pm to 10pm on April 2nd and April 9th respectively.
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Ms. Katherine Hung,
Independent Non-Executive Director,
Cheung Kong Property Holdings Ltd
(Drucker Academy content)